Wrath Babies
Wrath Babies
A World of Warcraft podcast not solely devoted to Wrath Classic

Welcome to Wrath Babies, the World of Warcraft podcast that is not solely devoted to Wrath Classic, but simply hosted by two Wrath Babies.
Each episode has a topic of the week, and will be discussing everything from boss design to transmog hunting, with a lot of focus on the social aspects of WoW. We hope you like it.


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Cast & Crew

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Latest Episodes

Episode 63
The Eventual War Within - Wrath Babies #63
Sep 2, 2024
Episode 62
Gearing & Season 4 - Wrath Babies #62
May 18, 2024
Episode 61
The One Not About The War Within Alpha - Wrath Babies #61
Apr 20, 2024
Episode 60
Dungeon Changes in Season 4 - Wrath Babies #60
Apr 17, 2024
Episode 58
Better Keys ft. Cherry - Wrath Babies #58
Feb 23, 2024
Episode 57
The State of M+ - Wrath Babies #57
Feb 19, 2024
Episode 55
World of Warcraft in 2024 - Wrath Babies #55
Jan 17, 2024
Episode 54
M+ Darkheart Thicket & Black Rook Hold - Wrath Babies #54
Dec 23, 2023
Episode 53
M+ Guide: Dawn of the Infinite - Wrath Babies #53
Dec 21, 2023
Episode 50
M+ Season 3 Overview - Wrath Babies #50
Nov 21, 2023

Listener Reviews

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