For Azeroth!
For Azeroth!
A World of Warcraft Podcast

A podcast featuring the news, lore, resources, and community feedback about Blizzard's premier World of Warcraft MMORPG. Go beyond the headlines and weekly events with Lex, Manny, and Sean!


66 Reviews


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Cast & Crew

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Latest Episodes

Episode 262
#262 - For Azeroth!: “Optimally Optional Content”
Aug 8, 2023
Episode 245
#245 - For Azeroth! "New Year, New Aspects"
Jan 5, 2023
Episode 237
#237 - For Azeroth!: “In Conversation with Alex
Nov 10, 2022
Episode 235
The Ides of November
Oct 28, 2022
Episode 234
One and a Half Bars
Oct 20, 2022
Episode 233
Liv, Manny, and Manny’s Ego
Oct 13, 2022
Episode 232
Deep Breath
Oct 3, 2022
Episode 222
Dragonflight Alpha Impressions
Jul 14, 2022
Episode 221
Zander Makes a Potion
Jul 11, 2022
Episode 220
For Azeroth!: “A Tale of Two Betas 72 hrs later”
Jul 1, 2022

Listener Reviews

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